- Singapore -
Focusing on our true nature, the essence of our being, is key in staying focused on the path. Too often we slip off the path because we either don't have the time or energy to focus on unveiling the "self", or, we start to make significant strides along the path, start to move beyond our suffering and even experience the miracles of an unveiled soul, so we think we are done, that we have reached the top of the mountain, and, consequently, shift our focus away from the path. But these departures from the path are always premature (unless, of course, we happen to become enlightened along the way… which is possible, but highly unlikely) and because they are premature, they inevitably lead back to the same type of suffering we had worked so hard to over come in the first place.
The key, of course, is to realize that the path has no final destination. The path itself is the destination because it provides the avenue to realizing our true nature, and the experience of unveiling that nature, while also providing the experience of experience itself, which is why we exist at all.
Life’s experience on the path is the goal, it is the destination. So don’t lose it!