Monday, September 17, 2007

A Life of Grace and Charm

This life I lead continues to be one of awe and wonder, one of grace and charm. I realize the ups and downs will always be there to some extent, but, for the most part, by staying focused on the ‘now’, the present moment, and taking everything as it comes in it’s raw and unjudged state, just living the ‘is-ness’ of being, the is-ness of the situation as it arises, without judging, without fearing or worrying, we will free ourselves to the wonder of it all, for all things just ‘Are’ and what comes our way is a combination of the circumstances of certain energies coalescing at given points in time, along with the energies – their quality and strength – that are released into the quantum soup of energy and spirit, drawing to us and us to them those things, those energies that are the circumstances of our present moment.

So it is what it is – at any given moment; Therefore, in that moment – each moment – we must be the best of ourselves in the face of whatever event transpires in any moment of our lives.

And so it goes, life just flows, so with it we must flex like the bamboo outriggers of a Philippine sailboat – flexible but strong, flowing, flexing, bending and strong, keeping the boat righted in the wind; gliding the surface of the sea, cresting waves and sliding down their back side in graceful dance of life.

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