Monday, September 10, 2007

Struggling in the Stream of Life... oh why...



What a beautiful dream; but life can also be an ugly dream. How do we navigate the dream and direct it toward what happy seems.

Life is a beautifully flowing stream, but can turn ugly, dangerous and mean. How do we row our boats up and down this flowing stream? Do we push against the current in an endless struggle, fighting and at odds with the rhythms and flow of the stream, or do we work our way into a position where we are flowing down the stream, rowing gently and merrily as we go?

It is all within our individual grasps to determine how we meet the stream, or how we direct our dream? We form our relationship with the flow of life. But most times, there is an obstacle that keeps us from gently rowing down the stream or directing a happy dream - our ego. Our egos, our fragile, puny little egos are like spoiled children kicking up a fuss every time we don't allow it to take us where we need to go - and that is to flow - that's all we really need to know is how to flow.

Fighting against the current of the stream is fighting our true nature. If we let our true nature emerge from the depths of our souls and psyche, if we can somehow sweep aside the egos endless chattering, noise and distraction, we can have the most peaceful, flowing life one could ever imagine or hope for.

So, how do we flow? How do we let go?

Deep in our hearts we know. But our spoiled little ego refuses to let go; let go of the strangle hold it has on us; it refuses to acknowledge the true self and, knowing it has the upper hand because of the countless moments, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years and decades that it has been shaped and nurtured by the hands of the society within which the doings of our daily existence dwells, into the beast it has become, it only tightens its grip around our lives with each challenge from within to awaken and free oneself from it's horrible little clutches.

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