Monday, September 17, 2007

Sept 11 2001 Remembered - How Far I've Fallen

2007.09.11 - Singapore, Kent Ridge

It was six years ago today that I perched along side a mountain lake in Utah while events in NY were unfolding that changed the world. I was almost a different person then.

Today I find myself still battling with the currents of life, still allowing ego to dictate how I feel about, respond to and interact with the world. It is disheartening but it is a challenge. The goal and aim is to push my life, push my awareness, my true self, that which lies at the core, beyond ego, to emerge and enter into oneness with reality (or to realize its inherent oneness).

That my identification with form,or, the material aspects of existence, is so pronounced at this stage in my life is almost beyond comprehension comsidering where I was in the mid to late 90's and even into the first few years of the new millenium. The advanced stages of heightened awareness and consciousness I was achieving and experiencing seem like they were from another life time. Somehow, someway, I allowed myself to be swept away in the world of form.

My only solace now being that I know what I achieved and experienced so am optimistic about getting back to that state, then continuing to evolve from there, never to look back.

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